Single-channel potentiostat (CS350M/ CS310M/ CS300M etc) can achieve maximum±2A/10V output when it's used alone. This value is ±1A/10V for each channel of bipotentiostat (CS2350M/CS2150M) and multichannel potentiostat (CS310X). A current booster CS2020B/CS2040B/CS2100B can be connected to single-, bi-, or multi-channel potentiostat to increase the current up to 20A/40A/100A. Please note that one set booster can boost only one channel of bi- / multi-channel potentiostat. When not connected the booster, the potentiostat can also be used alone. Please be careful when you operate to avoid electricity shock.
CS2020B/CS2040B/CS2100B current booster +single channel potentiostat (such as CS350M)
CS2020B current booster +multi-channel potentiostat(framed in red)
Curve for galvanostatic experiment- output constantcurrentas highas 20A for CS2020B
Connection ofbooster with battery core anode and cathode
Standard supply for CS2020B/CS2040B/CS2100B booster: - Current booster instrument*1 set - Power cable *1 pcs - DB9 serial port connection cable *2 pcs (1 for replacement in the future) - DB15 connection cable*2 pcs (1 for replacement) - Potential sampling cable*2 pcs (1 for replacement) - Specialized electrode cable (alligator electrode cable*2 and copper terminal electrode cable*2, 1 pcs each for replacement) - High power dummy cell *1